Thursday, May 3, 2012

日本語忘れ?1歳3ヶ月 Our babble monkey

Our little man's little brain synapses are firing ever day. You can throw him in a crowd with other 15 month old babies, and he will most likely be the one that's babbling the most. He knows words, he wants to use them, he's eager to learn more. Ethan's nana already is convinced that he's going to enroll in college by the age 15. :)

The other day, William was yelling silly words like "stinky", "poopie" being his goofy self. Next thing you know, Ethan's giggling and repeating "inky", "oopie!" Monkey see monkey do. :)  

今週末で1歳3ヶ月のイーサン。まだまだ赤ちゃん言葉が多いですが本当につねに喋ってる!大人が何回も言葉を繰り替えしいうとインコのように繰り返したりしはじめました。アメリカのキャラクターおさるのジョージをつねにみてるみたい。ウィルがふざけて“くさ~い”とか”うんち”っていってたら“inky", "oopie" って真似してたし。笑


Ethan's word bank/今のところ言える言葉: 
"Pi-pi" (Pickles)
"ak-you" (Thank you)
"Ju!" (Juice)
"boh" (ball)
"oooooh" (shoe) 
"jugo" (juego)
“Awa" (Agua)
"Cha-cha" (cachorro)

"vrroom, vroom"

 PLUS there's a whole bunch of words and directions he now comprehends  :)



  1. yeah...
    I just know about that my girl got some stress of speakig Japanese thesedays. Even she said "What should I do for my Japanese?" ;P

    Seraphina also used to imitate Monkey Gorge's saying or sounds like tutti, pupoo and peppe.
    Usually the sounds made me crazily laugh though.

  2. Hopefully our kiddos will both out grow this phase :) Seraphina's blessed in the sense that she's living in Japan since its easier to get English books in Japan than getting Japanese books in the Midwest.

    Wish I could have seen how cute Seraphina was as a baby!
